Blog Archive

3 Key Insights on Research Impact from Journal Editors

3 Key Insights on Research Impact from Journal Editors

What is impact and who decides? How do you convey the impact of your work? Which journal maximises the impact…
5 Common Myths About Scientific Writing- and Why They Aren’t True

5 Common Myths About Scientific Writing- and Why They Aren’t True

Some opinions and assumptions can be damaging and might hinder you from becoming an excellent (and happy!) scientific author! Click…
How to Write a Scientific Paper Introduction

How to Write a Scientific Paper Introduction

Here are the 7 most common mistakes researchers make when writing their scientific paper introduction. Learn how to write a…
How to Write a Paragraph for Your Scientific Paper

How to Write a Paragraph for Your Scientific Paper

This blog post has all you need to know about writing scientific paragraphs: You’ll learn the optimal research paper paragraph…
How (Not) to Write the Discussion Section of a Research Paper

How (Not) to Write the Discussion Section of a Research Paper

Discussion sections are the hardest part of a scientific paper to write! Here's how you can write a Discussion section…
Science Storytelling: Telling a Story with Data

Science Storytelling: Telling a Story with Data

Humans are story junkies, our brains evolved to love them. This blog post describes how you can tell stories with…
How to Publish in a High-Impact Journal

How to Publish in a High-Impact Journal

Nature, Science, Cell, Advanced Materials… — publishing in high-impact journals is difficult but not impossible. Here what the impact factor…
The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Write Excellent Papers

The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Write Excellent Papers

I believe that in order for you to become an excellent scientific writer, you need to put your reader first.…
How to Reduce Word Count

How to Reduce Word Count

Your scientific paper draft exceeds your journal's word limit? Here is how to cut down the word count - without…
How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper

How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper

The abstract is the most important piece of your scientific article. In this post, you’ll get your hands on an…

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Photography by Alice Dix