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3 Hacks to Write a Winning Grant Proposal
How to write a convincing grant proposal? Here are the 3 writing hacks for you to write a grant proposal…
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How to Write a Paragraph for Your Scientific Paper
This blog post has all you need to know about writing scientific paragraphs: You’ll learn the optimal research paper paragraph…
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How (Not) to Write the Discussion Section of a Research Paper
Discussion sections are the hardest part of a scientific paper to write! Here's how you can write a Discussion section…
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Science Storytelling: Telling a Story with Data
Humans are story junkies, our brains evolved to love them. This blog post describes how you can tell stories with…
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How to Publish in a High-Impact Journal
Nature, Science, Cell, Advanced Materials… — publishing in high-impact journals is difficult but not impossible. Here what the impact factor…
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The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Write Excellent Papers
I believe that in order for you to become an excellent scientific writer, you need to put your reader first.…
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How to Start Writing a Paper
Staring at a the blank page and don't know where to start? Here are 6 strategies that will help you…
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Collaborative Writing: How to Write a Scientific Paper with Collaborators & Co-Authors
Are you dreading writing that research paper with your scientific collaborators? Here’s a system to make the collaborative writing process…
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How to Get Your Scientific Writing Done Productively (Part 2)
You want to get more scientific writing done in less time? This post includes 6 tips that will help you…
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How to Get Your Scientific Writing Done Productively (Part 1)
These 12 strategies will help you to stay productive when writing your paper. There’s also a scientific writing toolkit up…
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Photography by Alice Dix